Dienstag, 28. August 2007

Chapter 11
Ronell talks with AJ's brother Franco because AJ is starting up shit with Ronell.

Chapter 12
It's Valentines Day and AJ signed his letter of intent with Florida.
He gaves interviews. Later AJ and his friends are in AJ's room and they are talking about their friendship and that everyting changes now.

Chapter 13
Mr. Ferris tells Ruthie that she is a finalist in the 1990 National Achievment Scholarship for Outstanding Negro Students competition.
She is very proud and happy. Later she teachs Anthony for the first time.

It's monday morning and Erika is going to sing for an audition.
She is very nervous because Shanice is there too.

Chapter 15
Ruthie is taking Anthony home. AJ is angry about the situation because Ruthie buys him some stuff. She is trying to give him "charity".

Chapter 16
Ruthie talks with Anthony about his dead mum. AJ is scared about this and shouted at Ruthie.

Chapter 17
AJ and Ruthie talk about Anthony and that he is the closest person to AJ.
AJ doesn't wanna loose him.Later he sees Anthony playing on the street.
Anthony tells AJ that Franco has let him an errand for him. AJ is scared about this and is gonna in a fight with Franco. Then he runs away to the grave of his mother.

Chapter 18
Ruthie is in a cafe with Andrea and Christian and they are talking about prom and AJ.

Chapter 19
AJ is by the grave of his mother. Ruthie found him There.
He talks with her about his problems.
Later AJ and Anthony are at Ruthie's house for dinner .
When they are at home again, Anthony askes AJ some things about their mother. In the whole time he has forgotten about Erika.
Chapter 2
Erika is pissed of because Aj drives Ruthie home

Chapte 3
Ruthie has mixed feelings about her new school becaause there are a lot of black puplis and she has grown up with white friends.

Chapter 4
Erika talks with her friends about Ruthie.Then a black girl named Shanice and her friends come. They are getting in a fight. At home she gets in trouble with her mum.

Chapter 5
AJ is in the cafeteria and is talking about football.
Anthony is six years old and the brother of AJ. AJ loves him a lot.
He has another brother too who is named Franco.He is a dopeman.
AJ doesn't want Franco talk shit to Anthony.

Chapter 6
The best friends of Ruthie (Andrea and Christian) think that sch and AJ would make an interesting couple. Ruthie don't know why she is so diffrent from other black girls. Her parents want more black influence for her.

Chapter 7
Erika is very nervous because she sings in church.
Ther is a kind of competition between her and Shanice

Chapter 8
Erika asks AJ if he loves her but he says nothing and just kisses her.
Later he talks with Ruthie about that.

Chapter 9
Ruthie drives to AJ to tutor him.
Shr is scared about the neighborhood where he lives.
AJ is in his room with some friends but he tolds them to leave when
Ruthie comes in. She can't tutor him because he lefts his book at school.
Ruthie meets Anthony.

Chapter 10
AJ don#t know what college he wants to go and talks with Ruthie about this. She tells him that shewants tutor Anthony.

Chapter 1

AJ tells about the problems with his girlfriend Erika. In chemistry class he heats up a TTE. This exploses in Ruthies face. Ruthie is an very proper girl an AJ's lab partner.